Every Pilot In Control
UPRT Mastery Program



The Bronze Standard UPRT Qualification (Jet Operations), specifically structured to upgrade participating pilot UPRT competencies unique to turbofan/turbojet operators and their operations, to further mitigate the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-). 

Specifically, the Bronze Standard UPRT Qualification (Jet Operations) includes the integration of core academics, advanced simulation specific complex jet UPRT to include SRM/CRM considerations, very low altitude upsets, all weather / IFR / night upsets, and class-specific scenario-based UPRT.

Learn More About the EPIC Mastery Standard

All APS UPRT awards, valid for two (2) years, fully comply with the Every Pilot In Control Solution Standard (EPIC-S2), the international standard establishing the optimized implementation and delivery features of effective, life-saving UPRT programs.

Get Started with Mitigating Your Risk of LOC-I Today