The APS ‘Every Pilot In Control’ UPRT Mastery Program defines a tiered recognition of excellence in Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) competencies. Central to the levels of recognition are medallion-based qualifications directly reflecting the risk-mitigating capabilities of graduates targeted to their operations.
Graduates have demonstrated escalating levels of mastery of flight path management, aircraft control, and associated human factors to enhance awareness, recognition, prevention, and recovery from unintended flight path deviations. Unique turbofan, turboprop, and piston program specializations ensure direct transferability to the type of each graduate's day-to-day operational environment. Read the Press Release.

The EPIC UPRT Mastery Standards accomplish far more than mitigating the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), aviation’s #1 threat to air safety. Graduates at each level have ingrained transformational skills to identify, mitigate, and contain both pre-cursor or evolving airplane upset flight conditions including enhanced flightpath management competency, in-flight resilience in crisis, manual flight operations and handling proficiency, flight envelope awareness, and aeronautical decision making.
Graduates are issued digital LinkedIn badges publicly recognizing their life-saving professional pilot accomplishment including a prestigious qualification certificate, valid for two years, and achievement medallion. Qualifications are available for printing or distribution via social media to display their commitment to aviation safety and excellence.
'Pro' levels of each recognition are issued to graduates enrolled in qualified ongoing recurrent training.

Graduates of any tier of the APS EPIC UPRT Mastery Program has successfully completed an APS-developed-and-delivered Upet Prevention and Recovery Training course in strict compliance with the Every Pilot In Control Solution Standard (EPIC-S2) and Every Pilot In Control Personalized Protocols. These standards and protocols synthesize 25 years of expertise, assuring their effectiveness through collaboration with industry leaders, regulatory bodies, and safety organizations.
Comprehensive Safety Management Systems (SMS) risk management requires hazard identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk acceptance (or not). EPIC UPRT Mastery levels give operators and flight departments of all sizes the flexibility in turnkey training solutions, based on their self-defined Safety Risk Profile (SRP), to target intolerable risks for predicable, proven, and reliable mitigation to acceptable levels.

EPIC-S2/PRO Compliant
Operator-Specific Simulator Only and Some On-aircraft and/or Integrated Courses

EPIC-S2/PRO Compliant
Qualifying Operator-Specific On-aircraft Only and Some Integrated UPRT Courses

EPIC-S2/PRO Compliant
Requires Operator-Specific Integrated On-Aircraft and Advanced Simulation

EPIC-S2/PRO Compliant
Exclusive to Qualifying Operator-Specific Advanced Integrated UPRT Solutions
Get Started with Mitigating Your Risk of LOC-I Today